Project Summary: Update the old website into a easier to navigate site for parents to explore what Transfiguration school has to offer. This project included the development of a brand guideline 
Consumer Profile: Parents of current elementary age students, prospective parents of future students
Roles: Researcher, Web Designer, Marketing 
Design Tools used: Adobe Photoshop, Lightroom, Figma, Weebly website builder
Design Process
This project was something that I believed needed to be done in order to be able to compete with neighboring schools. I researched what local school websites looked like and found some common themes as to what is important to students and school administration alike. 
Once I was informed about what other school sites offered, I started this website update by mapping out what each page contained in order to have a better sense of why this site needed an update. I soon realized that there was a lot of content from previous years that no longer applied. This was the resulting site map. 
I found patterns of information that I could categorize into sections that made sense for the user. I also recommended to archive or remove sections that did not impact the current state of the school. This is what I proposed. 
Website updates 
The navigation bar was simplified into 5 categories that now houses all of the content for the school. This includes information about school policies, current staff and administration, an updated digital application and a photo gallery. 
Iconography and Hierarchy
Each page received a typographical treatment which included a hierarchy so the content is consistent in appearance. Quotes from real parents appear throughout each page to testify about how special this school is to the community. I also created icons for this site in order to minimize additional pages or places to find content easier. 
Updated Pages 
The faculty page was updated with a cohesive and responsive grid with titles and additional duties assigned to each teacher. With their professional headshots, this page now stands out and highlights the staff much better. 
Each page now has unique headers that celebrates the students and staff in their natural state. 
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