Archeology of the Futures
Design Challenge
Start by creating your future (at least on of them). You can use a simple 2D matrix, similar to the one I showed in the slide deck in class. You can put anything you like on the two axis and think about what are the possibilities that you'd have in the four segments. Pick a slice of one of more segments using possible-plausible-probable cone frame work (you'll find an example in the same deck.) Describe it for yourself - write a few of paragraphs for your documentation, add some reference images - and start digging around in there for some objects that could represent that future.
Once you pick one object start modelling it in Blender. It will probably take more than one attempt, so for now create one or two rough drafts. You can render them, or just take screenshots, and add them to your documentation.
Design Tools used: Blender
Ideation and concepts
In approaching this design challenge, I started to think about what the world will look like in 100 years from when I entered the world. So what does the world look like in 2089...
Based on the state of things in the world today, my mind quickly goes to worldwide catastrophies and wars. So I created a simple 2D matrix to see what a world with no tech and high tech looks like against a backdrop of a deeply religious or agnostic worldview might turn out to be.

I then decided to see what the world might look like if the west falls and another religious superpower comes in to save humanity. Islam is one of the fastest growing religions in the world today, so I have to wonder what it could become if the unnatural greed of the west finally caves in and lets in another way of living come into the world. Here's how that adventure unfolds.
The year is 2089 and the great wars during 2050s have left behind a world that has embraced Islam as its main religion.
The great nations that once dominated the world have collapsed under their own weight and the new leading world power is in Africa. With a focus on spirituality and community, Nigeria now leads the world in technological advancements in medicine and science while adhering to its strict social policies embedded in the Quran.
The following are sketches of what I think will be around in this new world order.
I think fashionably, cool helmets that make breathing polluted air possible, and automated umbrellas that shield you from the burning heat from the sun will be absolutely necessary to live in harsh conditions of a warming planet. Also, what does praying in the new world look like? Is it voluntary or is one compelled to do it?

I was intrigued by the idea of compelling people to stop their activities for evening prayer around the world. In areas where mosques are not available, how does the call the prayer look like for Kansas? Do Brazilians stop their festivities to comply with the law? Are Russians forced to stop and bound by tech to follow the teachings of a prophet?
I focused on the idea of a prayer staff that can be found around communities that act as a prayer monitor device that communicates with citizen's prayer beads.
Though God may show mercy upon your wretched soul, man's laws will not be so lenient should you break this sacred commandment.

A prayer staff that symbolically floats the islamic symbol over the earth to show its dominance after the fall of the western super powers.

A person's prayer beads that must be worn around the wrists in order to comply with the prayer laws around the world. Those caught without it will pay a steep price for disobeying the laws.
The idea of a prayer staff intrigued me, so I wanted to see what it could look like with some additional details.